Monday, November 29, 2010

Corporate America watch out . . . the big chop is coming!

Women are deciding to rock their natural curls in every form of profession. I know women in law, medicine, engineering, service, housekeeping, catering, all types of professions who are opting to wear their natural hair.

Some may read this blog and question "how were they wearing their hair before?" Well some ethnic, multi-racial, and diverse divas chose to chemically treat their hair via a perm or texturizer for a number of reasons. My hair was permed since I was 12 years old because it was a "norm" for women to chemically treat their hair to make it straight. I remember wanting bone-straight hair so it would last until my next creamy crack fix. LOL!

When I decided to say NO! to the creamy crack I worked in corporate America and some coworkers actually gave me advice on why I should not wear my natural hair. I was told "management would not be able to relate to my hair." I was asked "do you think your hair will prevent you from getting a promotion?" Ok, really? Yes, some coworkers did look at me cross when I came to work rockin my curly fro but I truly did not care. Most coworkers, loved my new style and asked me tons of questions mainly wanting to know if it was all my hair. Yes it is (2 snaps with a twist)! :-)

It's my hair and I love it since it's just like me . . . Beautiful, Fierce, Confident, and Multi-faceted (I have 4a with a splash of 3c lol).

In the infinite wisdom of RuPaul "if you don't love your self, why the hell would someone else." I so love his show. Go Ru! Go natural divas!

As always,
Love and Peace, Peace and Love,


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Natural Hair Products at Target

I was shopping for my daughter when I spotted some natural hair products at Target.  I've seen the Shea Moisture and Miss Jessie line at Target before but I was surprised to see . . . Kinky Curly!  I am so happy to see my Knot Today is available at Target for $11.99.  Yah!  I normally purchase my Knot Today from Whole Foods but it's great to have a back-up plan.  :-)

It's refreshing to see the hair industry catering to the natural hair explosion.  I wonder if people are going natural since it's the "in thing" to do or if people are committed to maintaining their natural hair state long-term. 

For me, I will never go back to the creamy crack.  Ha!  I find my natural hair easier to manage than when my hair was straighten with chemicals.  My parent straightened my hair with a straighten comb was I was a child and permed my hair by 12 yo.  When I decided to transition from the creamy crack, that's when I discovered my curly locks.  After researching and learning about my curls, I finally understood a lot of my hair issues and have been able to grow my curls to APL (arm-pit-length).  My hair is super thick so it's also super greedy with moisture.  Give me more water! Lol! 

I wonder what natural product Target will carry next?  Hopefully mine :-)

As always,
Love and Peace, Peace and Love

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bazaam! My curls are poppin!

You ever one of those days where you absolutely love your hair?  Well today is one of those days for moi. 

I twisted my hair in small 2-strands yesterday.  Some think they are mini twists but they're not.  Prettydimples01 have some of the best mini twists I have ever seen.  Trust me when I say my 2-strand twists are small. 

Since my hair is APL I decided to capture my hair with an elastic band, which is great for not snagging my hair or creating pressure by pulling my hair at the root. 

I love the look of my curls and decided to share some pics.   Go Cam! 

As always,
Love and Peace, Peace and Love

Friday, November 19, 2010

All Hail to the Maxx

I have been seriously stalking the Maxx looking for my favorite Giovanni Smooth As Silk Conditioner.  I absolutely, positively am in love with this conditioner.  Why do I buy and adore this product?  Where should I start!  Let's see:
  • It's a deep conditioner which makes my hair super manageable and fabulous
  • It's multi-functional meaning I can use it as a regular conditioner or I can use it as a deep conditioner
  • My hair is so soft when using it as a co-wash
  • It's certified organic
Normally, I'll purchase the 8.5oz conditioner at either Target or Whole Foods for $7.99 (not including tax) which is a good price. However, a girlfriend told me TJ Maxx sells Giovanni's Smooth as Silk in a 33.6oz for only $12.99!  Say what!  ONLY $12.99!  Thus the stalking began lol.

For the last 2 months, I have been unsuccessful in finding the conditioner at any TJ Maxx stores near me.  Finally, today, the sun came out and kissed my curls and blessed them with love and happy hair growth . . . ok not really.  But my luck changed and I found and purchased the conditioner for ONLY $12.99!  Say what?  ONLY $12.99.  LMBO!

So how much do I save?  The 33.6oz bottle equate to 3.95x the size of the 8.5oz, which is rounded to 4x since you can't purchase 0.95 of a bottle. Cost comparison w/o tax: 8.5oz at a cost of $7.99 x 4 bottles = $31.96 vs a 33.6oz at a cost of $12.99 x 1 bottle = $12.99!  That's an $18.97 cost save.  Say what!!! 
$18.97 cost save - Go Cam!!!!

Ok . . . I'm alright . . . calming down :-)  I love sweet deals.
P.S. Maxx give me a call for more stock :-)

As always,
Love and Peace, Peace and Love.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Art of Positivity

Recently, I had a girlfriend come to me for career advice.  She is a very dear friend of mine which is why I asked her if I could tell her story, prior to me publishing this. 

The plain and simple is my girlfriend is not happy with her job.  Like most companies during the downturn, there is no career development, no future pay increases, and no lateral opportunities at her job to obtain cross-functional experience.  Most people can relate to this scenario since either you or someone you know face a similar dilemma in the workplace. 

At this point, some of you may ask why is she complaining since she is employed?  Well, like some many people leaving corporate jobs, my girlfriend rather be pursue a job for personal happiness than to stay in a job for comfortability and/or money.

Well, I do not believe in being miserable.  In my 33 years, I have learned the 'art of positivity' and how state of mind plays a significant role on your overall health.  I'm not trying to get all yogalicious on you, lol, but I do know angst, anger, and stress all negatively affect your overall health.

What did my friend do? . . . she's creating a plan of action that will allow her to pursue her dream while working on how to stay positive at her job until implementation occur.  You go girl!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November - National Diabetes Month

The title says it all.  This month focus on the fight to stop diabetes and to find a cure. 

Approximately 90-95% of all diabetes cases are Type 2, also referred to as adult onset diabetes.  Type 2 results from insulin resistance steaming from hereditary, overweight, lack of exercise, dietary/nutritional deficiencies, or a combination of these.

Type 1 diabetes account for approximately 5-10% of diabetic cases and is considered an autoimmune disease.  Type 1 diabetics do not produce insulin and are subject to insulin therapy to regulate glucose in order for the body's cells to use the glucose for energy.

I have been a Type 1 diabetic since I was 14 years old and know the hardship and determination required to manage this disease.  I actively, and most importantly, positively manage my diabetes through exercise, eating nutrition meals (3 meals and 2 snacks every day), and checking my blood sugar very frequently to prevent high and low blood sugars.

If diabetes is present in your family, go to the doctor and get your Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) checked which is a blood test used to analyze your blood sugar over a 3-month period.  Don't be scared, be smart.

Some basic diabetes symptoms include:
  • Frequent urination
  • Unusual weight loss
  • Excessive thirst
  • Excessive sleep
  • Increased fatigue
  • Blurry vision
To learn more about diabetes, recognizing symptoms, volunteering, and/or donating, visit the American Diabetes Association website at:


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hair Length Challenge . . . for Moi!

I recently joined the fabulous group of Long Hair Care Forum and I'm pleasantly surprised.  I like the camaraderie of the group in all things, not just hair.  I was infatuated by the diverse forums in which you can get and/or give spiritual advice, discuss topics unrelated to hair, and of course all the fa-bu-lous advice on hair.  I'm falling in love with LHCF . . . awwwww.

My decision to go natural in December of 2007 was one of frustration with waiting in the salon to get my creamy crack.  Why does it take so long?  Where is my creamy crack?!!!! :-)  I met an awesome hair stylist in 2008 and decided to do a mini chop.  My hair was straighten with a ceramic iron and was approximately a bob length.  My curly hair was fro-ish and I went to the salon every week.

May of 2009 I took control of my hair and stopped going to the salon for maintenance, styling, everything.  I read biology and hair books to educate myself on obtaining and maintaining healthy hair.  I accomplished taking my curls from ear length (by 2009) to arm pit length (APL) today.  So for the first time in history (make sure you mark your calendars), I am entering my FIRST HAIR CHALLENGE!  Lol.  Now, if you was by me I would have screamed it like Queen Oprah.  :-) 

My challenge is to achieve bra strap length (BSL) by November of 2011 using my strict regimen and utilizing 2-strand twists as my protective style.  I will acheive BSL by:
  • Maintaining moisture balance
  • Protective styling
  • Meet veggie, fruit, and water daily requirements
  • Dust ends as needed
  • No blow drying nor heat
  • And most importantly staying positive
Will I accomplish BSL within a year?  Watch and see.

Love and peace, Peace and Love,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

14 Years and counting :-)

Yesterday marked 14 years of  marriage to my hubby, author Gerald Rice.  I'm so excited and looking forward to 14+ more years.  We were marreid very young, age 19, and together since we were 16.  Needless to say, plenty of people did not expect our marriage to last but we never thought it wouldn't. 

So what have I learned after 14 years of marriage . . .
  • It's a relationship!  Lol.  Rainbows and unicorns will not be present throughout your day.  There are ups and downs, so focus on the good times.
  • Don't try to change the person you married - you married them for a reason.  Both parties will have to give-and-take and make minor changes.
  • Have fun and be adventuruous.  The daily grind is hard enough to balance.  When you come home, life with your mate should be fun and sexy.  Lol.  Don't forget the sexy.
  • Unfortunately, I am not always right.  But I wish I was!  Ok, enough of that point.
We also have one child and planning for a second.  Yah!!!  It's so important to remember each other when raising children.  Holding hands, sneaky kisses, and hugs are important to keep the fire burning.  Or in my case, we love wrestling.  Hey, to each their own! 

*Love and Peace, Cam*