Monday, January 31, 2011

Sneezes, sniffles, and Theraflu please

Winter is my favorite season.  I love watching the snow flakes fall and unite as one to build beautiful snow hills.  I love the winter breeze chilling my face as I blow cold smoke from my mouth.  I love the coziness of the season, especially with hubby lol.  There's only one flaw to the winter . . .  all the blasted flu virals going postal!

I was knocked out for a four day count last Wednesday.  So much so, that I actually missed 2 days of work.  What the freak!  I do not like missing work.  I have the sick days available but it's more so about something, anything preventing me from going about my day.  Ugh!

By Thursday morning I was running a good 103.1 temperature, completely stuffed nose, consistent non-productive cough, and my eyes were burning (probably from the temp)!  What the freak!  Friday morning I was ONLY running a 101.5 temperature so I decided to go to work.  My idea was I used 1 sick day and that's all I'm using for now.  I wonder how that plan played out?  Not good since I was sent home costing me a time and gas.  I guess other people don't want to get sick.  Interesting J

I always like to end on a positive note so here it is: If you're truly sick don't worry about the sick days, worry about yourself.  There are plenty of sick days left in the year but there's only one you.

Especially me since I'm uniquely fabulous!  Lol.

'Til next time,

Love and Peace, Peace and Love.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Doctor's Orders

Yesterday I visited my doctor for the usual check-up: Cholesterol, HbA1C, Medication Review, heart still working . . . you know, the usual.  J

I was shocked to find out my LDL cholesterol was a little too high and I had a mild case of anemia, as if Type 1 Diabetes wasn't enough.  The great part about my visit was my blood pressure was perfection (110/70) which leads them to believe my LDL number was due to dietary changes.  If my blood pressure was high in conjunction to the high LDL, then I would be in trouble since that scenario could mean clogged arteries. 

When I joined Weight Watchers, I knew I had to consume more protein especially since I don't eat meat regularly.  I'm not a vegetarian but I find the texture of meat to be unappealing.  I love fish which is limited to 3 times a week.  Therefore, I'm always short on my protein intake. 

I take full responsibility for my LDL and know it is my dietary change with consuming a high quantity of eggs every week in addition to my love of BBQ chips.  LOL!  I told my Doctor that and all he could do is laugh and tell me to cut it out of my plan.  My rationale was . . . well it fit in my WWPoint Plus plan lol. 

Well not anymore.  I'm done!  Cold Turkey!

I'm very competitive and I want to show my doctor dietary changes can improve my LDL and anemia, so this is my plan of action:
ü       No eggs, chips, nor high saturated fat foods until my next check-up in approximately 3 months.
ü       Daily intake of Ferrus Gluconate (iron) per Doctor orders.
ü       Introduction of raisins to meal plan to naturally aid in iron deficiency.  Corn is also a really great source of iron but I'm already consuming corn on a daily basis.  Clearly, I need more natural iron foods J

Although I missed my boiled egg this morning, I'm determined to make lemonade from my temporary lemons. 

Til next time,

Love and Peace, Peace and Love


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weight & Size Loss Challenge!

Last year I was very successful in dropping from a size 16 to a size 10.  My goal this year is to reach my trophy size of 7.  Lol  I haven't been a size 7 since my sophomore year in college.

To be honest, I'll be fine with a size 8 but my ultimate goal is a 7.  Imagine all the clothes I would catch: the skirt suits, sexy jeans, awesome shirts, and short-shorts lol. 

My best armor to tackle this goal is staying positive.  I celebrate every win on my journey.  If I lose 1/4" I rejoice since I could have gained a 1/4" instead.  If I lose 0.2 lbs, I celebrate since I could have gained a pound. 

I always wonder why people throw a fit over a pound gained but is disappointed if they "only" lost a pound in a week.  Do you know 1 pound is equal to 3500 calories?  Don't sweat on a pound lost J; that's a lot of calories you eliminated in week.

Stay positive and keep on moving!

Love and Peace, Peace and Love,


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

PUSHing Past APL

This year has started off great!  I released some drama and negativity in my life at the end of last year, my hubby's second book is almost done this year, my weight loss challenge has been going smoothly, and most importantly my daughter can write her numbers and recognize small words.  Yes, this year has started off with a fantabulous bang!

Well things have been going well for my road to Bra Strap Length (BSL).  I did a length check and my back hair is a little past my arm pit.  Well oh right J  I have lead hairs in the back and on the right side that are way past my arm pit, so I'm definitely looking forward to my journey toward BSL.