Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Natural Hair Products at Target

I was shopping for my daughter when I spotted some natural hair products at Target.  I've seen the Shea Moisture and Miss Jessie line at Target before but I was surprised to see . . . Kinky Curly!  I am so happy to see my Knot Today is available at Target for $11.99.  Yah!  I normally purchase my Knot Today from Whole Foods but it's great to have a back-up plan.  :-)

It's refreshing to see the hair industry catering to the natural hair explosion.  I wonder if people are going natural since it's the "in thing" to do or if people are committed to maintaining their natural hair state long-term. 

For me, I will never go back to the creamy crack.  Ha!  I find my natural hair easier to manage than when my hair was straighten with chemicals.  My parent straightened my hair with a straighten comb was I was a child and permed my hair by 12 yo.  When I decided to transition from the creamy crack, that's when I discovered my curly locks.  After researching and learning about my curls, I finally understood a lot of my hair issues and have been able to grow my curls to APL (arm-pit-length).  My hair is super thick so it's also super greedy with moisture.  Give me more water! Lol! 

I wonder what natural product Target will carry next?  Hopefully mine :-)

As always,
Love and Peace, Peace and Love

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