Monday, November 29, 2010

Corporate America watch out . . . the big chop is coming!

Women are deciding to rock their natural curls in every form of profession. I know women in law, medicine, engineering, service, housekeeping, catering, all types of professions who are opting to wear their natural hair.

Some may read this blog and question "how were they wearing their hair before?" Well some ethnic, multi-racial, and diverse divas chose to chemically treat their hair via a perm or texturizer for a number of reasons. My hair was permed since I was 12 years old because it was a "norm" for women to chemically treat their hair to make it straight. I remember wanting bone-straight hair so it would last until my next creamy crack fix. LOL!

When I decided to say NO! to the creamy crack I worked in corporate America and some coworkers actually gave me advice on why I should not wear my natural hair. I was told "management would not be able to relate to my hair." I was asked "do you think your hair will prevent you from getting a promotion?" Ok, really? Yes, some coworkers did look at me cross when I came to work rockin my curly fro but I truly did not care. Most coworkers, loved my new style and asked me tons of questions mainly wanting to know if it was all my hair. Yes it is (2 snaps with a twist)! :-)

It's my hair and I love it since it's just like me . . . Beautiful, Fierce, Confident, and Multi-faceted (I have 4a with a splash of 3c lol).

In the infinite wisdom of RuPaul "if you don't love your self, why the hell would someone else." I so love his show. Go Ru! Go natural divas!

As always,
Love and Peace, Peace and Love,


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