Yesterday I visited my doctor for the usual check-up: Cholesterol, HbA1C, Medication Review, heart still working . . . you know, the usual. J
I was shocked to find out my LDL cholesterol was a little too high and I had a mild case of anemia, as if Type 1 Diabetes wasn't enough. The great part about my visit was my blood pressure was perfection (110/70) which leads them to believe my LDL number was due to dietary changes. If my blood pressure was high in conjunction to the high LDL, then I would be in trouble since that scenario could mean clogged arteries.
When I joined Weight Watchers, I knew I had to consume more protein especially since I don't eat meat regularly. I'm not a vegetarian but I find the texture of meat to be unappealing. I love fish which is limited to 3 times a week. Therefore, I'm always short on my protein intake.
I take full responsibility for my LDL and know it is my dietary change with consuming a high quantity of eggs every week in addition to my love of BBQ chips. LOL! I told my Doctor that and all he could do is laugh and tell me to cut it out of my plan. My rationale was . . . well it fit in my WWPoint Plus plan lol.
Well not anymore. I'm done! Cold Turkey!
I'm very competitive and I want to show my doctor dietary changes can improve my LDL and anemia, so this is my plan of action:
ü No eggs, chips, nor high saturated fat foods until my next check-up in approximately 3 months.
ü Daily intake of Ferrus Gluconate (iron) per Doctor orders.
ü Introduction of raisins to meal plan to naturally aid in iron deficiency. Corn is also a really great source of iron but I'm already consuming corn on a daily basis. Clearly, I need more natural iron foods J
Although I missed my boiled egg this morning, I'm determined to make lemonade from my temporary lemons.
Til next time,
Love and Peace, Peace and Love
*Cam *
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